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    产品型号: ES200L4
    品  牌: EMAS
    所 在 地: 上海松江区
    更新日期: 2025-01-09
     品牌:EMAS  加工定制:是  型号:ES200L4  
     额定功率:15 KW 额定电压:220 V 额定转速:1450 rpm 
     产品类型:电机  外形尺寸:--  效率:EFF2 3  
     速度响应频率:50HZ  外形尺寸:--  效率:EFF2 3  
    The product range of Electric Motors includes:  
    •  D.C. current motors from size 80 up to 450  (motors very appreciated in the following sectors….Steels, siderurgical, crane hoist applications, plastic sector and so on.. 直流电机 ,
    •  A.C. current special motors (from 63 up to 630 higher size), all polarities and all specialities are possible, in low voltage 交流电机
    •  A.C. Electric Generators (up to 630  and 32 poles), all position, special shafts and so on… either IP55 and IP23 protection degree 交流发电机组
    •  Roller table motors for Siderurgical environments 辊道输送电机
    •  Medium and high voltage motors (up to 6000 V, up to 630 higher size) 中高压电机
    •  Slip ring motors (up to 630 higher size, all specialities…) 滑环电机
    •  Other special motors and electrical machines under special project 其他定制特殊电机
    • 上海荣冀提供高质量的产品,欢迎来电咨询。
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