--油浸式变压器 高效 低噪音 进口DGPT2
详细信息| 询价留言品牌:-- 型号:DGPT2 加工定制:是 应用范围:-- 铁心形状:ED型 频率特性:低频 电源相数:三相 冷却形式:液/油浸式 铁心形式:金属箔 绕组形式:自耦 防潮方式:密封式 冷却方式:油浸自冷式 外形结构:立式 电压比:380 V 频率:50 hz 额定功率:630 to 3150 kVA KVA 电压比:380 V 频率:50 hz OIL FILLED TRANSFORMERS
long experience our range of threephase oil-immersed transformers is able to satisfy even the most demanding customer requests in terms of:-
Energy efficiency and consumption reduction;
Low noise;
Possibility of installation in tropical countries with temperatures up to +55°C;
Customized manufacture upon customers’ technical requirements;
Technical and sales assistance in project development.
Standard manufacture
- 1 – HV porcelain bushings;
- 2 – LV porcelain bushings and neutral;
- 3 – tap changer operated from the outside with transformer disconnected;
- 4 – thermometer pocket;
- 5 – lifting lugs;
- 6 – oil conservator (from 630 to 3150 kVA);
- 7 – level display (for transformers with oil conservator);
- 8 – silicalgel capsule (for transformers with conservator);
- 9 – filling hole, type 1: bursting valve for transformers with conservator, type2: overpressure valve for ermetically sealed transformers;
- 10 – bi-directional rollers;
- 11 – emptying valve;
- 12 – earthing terminal;
- 13 – data plate.
Customization upon request
- 14 – thermometer with two N.O. contacts alarm trip;
- 15 – relé bucholz with two N.O. contacts alarm trip (for transformers with oil conservator);
- 16 – DGPT2 device (for hermetically sealed transformers, without oil conservator) or, as an alternative, RIS device;
- electronic TPL210 device, with NT210 monitoring unit of temperature, pressure and oil level for hermetically sealed transformers;
- over pressure valve with electric contact;
- primary voltage up to 36kV;
- double primary voltage;
- double or multiple secondary voltage for use in photovoltaic systems;
- non-standard losses and voltages;
- non standard connections and vector groups;
- Hz 60 frequency;
- MV elastimold type connectors;
- passe-barre type LV connectors;
- MV/LV air cable boxes;
- MV connector protections;
- pole-mounting slids;
- auxillary junction box;
- silicon or vegetable oil;
- electrostatic shield between primary and secondary windings;
- metal OR PVC oil retention bund;